Recyclability Table
Nature of the fibres
natural cellulosic defibrated fibers (any sources : wood, bamboo, sugarcan pulp, bagasse ...)
- paper-cardboard
- corrugated cardboard
-molded/moulded cellulose
- translucent/ transparent papers
Nature of the fibres
- synthetic fibres : plastics, regenerated celluloses (as Viscose, Cellophane, Lyocell, Modal ...)
- undefibrated raw material (wood, bamboo, palm tree leaf, cocoa pods, raw bagasse...)
this materials are not paper-cardboard
Reinforced paper-cardboard (metalic, plastic, textile,..)
You have to differentiate the plants from the paper cardboard which contains cellulosic fibers.
See Glossary for more explanations
In the mass
bleached or unbleached pulp,
mass tinted pulp
In the mass
Intense and bleeding colors
- non defibrated vegetables debris incorporated into the paper pulp (grass debris, cocoa shell debris...)
(plastics, regenerated cellulose as Viscose, Cellophane, Lyocell, Modal ...)
Wet Strenght Treatment
pulping after less than 45 minutes , that avoids to get more than 50% of rejects rate (with CEREC's protocol laboratory test )
Wet Strenght Treatment
insufficient pulping after 45 minutes (with CEREC's protocol laboratory test )
Example of Wet Strenght treatment -> PAE resin (Polyamide Amine Epichlorhydrine)
Extrusions or laminations *3 plastics excl. PVC/PVdC : PE,PP, PLA,PET, other resin...
silicone paper
Aluminium film
Paraffin (Wax for paper)
*1 : mineral fillers in the mass are counted in the papier cardboard weight.
*² : PVC/ PVdC generates chlorine emissions during the energetic reuse process of recycling industrial wastes.
*3 If the paper-cardboard content in the packaging is near 50 %, please check that the reject rate is less than 50%. (another condition to claim that a paper-cardboard packaging is recylcable)
Paper tape
paper & board cover (molded fibers,...)
Translucent paper windows (cristal, glassine,...)
Plastic tape, glue/ adhesives
Plastic windows or other plastic object (cover, caps ...) excl. PVC / PVdC*²
Others materials (metal, wood)
Component made of regenerated cellulose
PVC/ PVdC *²
*² : PVC/ PVdC generates chlorine emissions during the energetic reuse process of recycling industrial wastes.
Paper label
Plastic label (excl. PVC / PVdC *²)
Wet Strenght paper label
Label with PVC / PVdC *²
*² : PVC/ PVdC generates chlorine emissions during the energetic reuse process of recycling industrial wastes.
Intense and bleeding colors
Inks with more than 1% of MOSH et MOAH (Mineral Oils)
Screenable adhesives
these adhesives will be weel eliminated at the screening step
these adhesives will be dispersed in the water process
Partially dispersables or non screenable adhesives
Can generate stickies (impacts on the paper quality and machineries)
Wineskin (BagInBox ®)
RFID Chips
Made of regenerated cellulose