For technical notices issued by CEREC, additional laboratory tests may need to be carried out at CEREC’s request, to check certain recyclability criteria. For example, some criteria such as repulping time or the solid dry waste rate can be tested in addition to the information provided, to approve the packaging for recycling in the paper and cardboard stream. The reports produced by the laboratories appointed by CITEO belong to CEREC and are only disclosed to the experts to provide them with information in addition to that provided by the applicant, and help them issue the corresponding notice. The test protocol drawn up takes account of the French industrial recycling process and includes the stages described below:
1. Sizing the element to be tested
In keeping with the sizing scale of the test pulper, (and ensuring the density is representative of the densities at industrial facilities).
2. Pulping or wet disintegration (standard ISO 5263-1*): 15 to 45 minutes at 40°C
The pulping operation involves separating the cellulose fibres so that the fibre mixture can be pumped at the screening stage: if the level of defibration is still too low after 45 minutes of pulping, the packaging will be considered non-recyclable.
3. Screening and elimination of unwanted non-fibrous materials (standard TAPPI-ANSI T275 sp-18)
Once the pulp has been screened, the rejected material rates are calculated for each stage: if the total rate of solid dry waste exceeds 50%, the packaging will be considered non-recyclable.
4. Hydrocycloning
This step only takes place if the laboratory deems it necessary, to eliminate unwanted particles based on weight. (e.g. metal particles)
5. Handsheets formed after the pulping (if possible) and screening stages
Laboratory sheets (also called handsheets) are produced using the Rapid-Köthen method. (Standard ISO 5269-2: 2004 Pulp – Preparation of laboratory sheets). The visual quality of the handsheet is checked for any unwanted elements (stickies, metal particles, etc.).